????? Pinellia Combination (fire draining /reducing formula) Effects: harmonizing the stomach and down bearing counterflow; dispersing nodules and eliminating stuffiness Indications: premature use of purgation in cold damage pattern/syndrome- fullness in the chest without pain indicates stiffness; vomiting induced by cold body; inappetence; gastrointestinal dysfunction; binding of cold and heat; borborygmus and diarrhea; yellow slimy fur. This formula is often used in treating stiffness and congestion in the chest and stomach due to gastroenteritis ; nausea and vomiting, inappetence, and borborygmus. For vomiting, combine with Magnolia & Ginger Formula(Ping Wei San) For phlegm-retained fluid, combine with Citrus & Pinellia Combination(Er Chen Tang) For stomatitis, combine with Sweet Combination(Gan Lu Yin)
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang 半夏瀉心湯 Pinellia Combination
SKU: E030