Licorice Combination (dryness-moistening formula) Effects: tonifying qi and blood; enriching yin and restoring the pulse Indications: qi and blood deficiency; bound and intermittent pulses due to cold damage; palpitation; shortness of breath and oppression in the chest; consumptive disease and lung atrophy; profuse drool and spittle; hiccup; deficiency disease; oppression after sweating; intermittent deficiency heat; vacuous rapid pulse. Clinical Reference: This formula is often used in treating palpitation and tachycardia; bound and intermittent pulses of in-continuous beat, sings similar to cardiac arrhythmia; nutrition decline; dry skin ; susceptibility to fatigue; anemia; sympathicotonia; hypertension; atherosclerosis; puerperal fever; gastric ulcer; pulmonary tuberculosis; throat node; tinnitus; dry bound stool of the old and the weak.
Zhi Gan Cao Tang 炙甘草湯 Licorice Combination
SKU: E051